It takes 8 touch points.
By #2, they're tired of you.

Revive deals that went quiet

Get top-of-mind sales writing.

From award-winning sales engineers, ad writers and hunters.

Sales Collateral

Decks, battle cards, slicks, and documents that connect with readers internal and external.

Live Event Creation

Scripted and prepared demos, pitches, presentations and webinars.

Words People Say

Email campaigns, call scripts, headlines — written the way people talk to themselves.

Prospects should linger over everything you send them.

Get professional B2B Sales Writing that moves deals forward. At scale.

Join over 200 companies on 6 continents.

Email campaigns + sales pages + slicks + live streaming + scripted keynotes

We write the words prospect can't ignore.

pitch decks + sales slides + LinkedIn outreach + call scripts + elevator pitches

Webinars, LinkedIn Live, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter

In 2022 alone, we produced 100+ B2B virtual events.

(you should see our studio)

Dean will tell you he writes for listeners, not readers. But he writes for both, at the same time. What a mastery of words and how they affect people. If you can get his help with a live event or presentation, grab it.
Eric Johnson
The session starts, you answer questions, he takes notes. Then, while you watch, he writes original, creative copy for your business in real-time. I have a bestseller, but I’ve never seen anyone who could write like that. It's amazing to watch the magic happen right in front of you.
Ben Wolf
CEO, Wolf's Edge

Decks, 1-pagers, emails and more.
Is your message standing out?

Get Pro B2B Sales Comms. On Demand.

We create the first message you show a prospect

Fix your story

We breathe life into your slides, transforming them into narratives that seize and retain your audience’s attention from the first slide to the last. We harness the power of story, balancing information with engagement, to ensure your messages hit home every time.

Get your people through the gates

Our expertly crafted differentiator messages are not just informative, they’re irresistible invitations to further explore what your company offers.

Grab (and keep) demo attention

Empower your team to deliver captivating demos that resonate with prospects and instill a sense of need. Our scripts not only engage but also educate and persuade, transforming your demos into conversion-generating tools

Win that coveted 2nd meeting

We craft compelling webinar scripts that simplify complex concepts, keeping your audience engaged and leaving them enlightened about your offering’s unique advantages.

"WTH, I only opened it to unsubscribe..."

Fuel your sales pipeline with precision-crafted cold and warm emails, meticulously designed to captivate your prospects and engage their interest.

Stop fighting for great battle cards

Get expertly penned sales battle cards, designed to equip your sales team with powerful phrases and persuasive messages. Our master B2B copywriting service crafts incisive, compelling narratives that steer conversations in your favor and move your prospects closer to a buying decision.